The First Art Exhibition in Earth Orbit
Star EuromirPatch Star

Artists were among the first humans to explore space.
Their visions and visualizations led humnaity to make the most important step in its history - the step beyond its home planet Earth.
Although artists have made many artworks about space, very little of their art has actually been included in the world's space programs - especially in space.
This web site is a documention of one of those rare events in the artistic exploration of outer space - the first art exhibition held beyond the atmosphere of Earth.

In the words of EuroMir 95
crew member Thomas Reiter:

".....and let me tell you that there are many things here on board which keep us alive, of course technical systems which produce oxygen to breathe, water to drink which clean the air from carbon dioxide, food and all these things which help to keep us alive, life support systems. But I can tell you that this kind of thing (he holds up an art work from ars ad astra) are a part of what is necessary to keep us alive, to keep the memory to the Earth, to our families, to our friends, to the nature."

| Introduction | Project Information | Onboard Exhibition | Electronic Archive |


An Art-In-Space Project Organized by the OURS Foundation

All Images Copyright © 1995-2002 OURS Foundation / ars astronautica / Arthur Woods

